F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Question)
Q : Do all the products sold here are original ?
A : Yes We only selling original stuffs since 2010
Q : Apakah produk yang dijual disini original ?
A : Ya kita hanya menjual barang original , bukan premium, bukan mirror, bukan apapun istilah OL shop. Sejak 2010
Q : When Will I receive my order ?
A : for local order indonesia Expect 1-3 days, For international Order 5-10 days, We also do cut off order in 15.00 pm Jakarta Time so every transaction will be delayed to next day after. Be sure to do the payment before
Q : Kapan orderan saya sampai di depan rumaj ?
A : Untuk order lokal indonesia biasa 1-3 hari, kami melakukan cut off transaksi di jam 15.00 WIB jadi pastikan Anda melakukan transfer sebelum jam itu apabila ingin di handle di hari yang sama
Q : What are the shipping options?
A : Indonesia : JNE, JNT and Si Cepat. International : Postal Service
Q : Opsi pengiriman memakai kurir apa saja ?
A : Indonesia : JNE, JNT and Si Cepat. International : Kantor Pos
Q : When Will I receive the Airway Receipt?
A : Normally H+2 after the courier shipment, automatic by email. If you need to rush it feel free to contact us : +62 878-2285-9849. We can provide it ASAP
Q : Kapan saya menerima no resi pengiriman ?
A: Semua resi dikirim otomatis dari e-mail 2 hari setelah pengiriman. Apabila dibutuhkan maka kami bisa berikan secepatnya, hubungi : +62 878-2285-9849
Q : How do I make changes to an order I’ve already placed?
A : +62 878-2285-9849, please contact our Whatsapp ASAP so we can still change it before we Send it to the courier
Q : Bagiamana cara saya mengganti order yang sudah dilakukan ?
A : +62 878-2285-9849, silakan kontak whatsapp secepatnya sebelom barangmu di pickup oleh kurir
Q : What payment providers you use for the webstore ?
A : We receive : Bank Transfer, Credit Card, Alfamart, Indomaret, Akulaku, BRI, BNI, BCA, Mandiri, Go-pay dan Shopee-pay
Q : Bisa bayar pake apa sajakah kak di webstore ?
A : Kami menerima : Transfer Bank, Kartu Kredit Alfamart, Indomaret, Akulaku, BRI, BNI, BCA, Mandiri, Go-pay dan Shopee-pay
Q : The goods arrived and I find the size is too big/too small can I change size ?
A : Sure, you can contact our admin to let him/her know that your size is too big/too small. You can send the product back max 2 x 24 hours since it received and all the amenities are complete. We also will charge you for the shipment cost. Please note that due to a lot of counterfeit issue we cannot change VANS products
Q : Barangnya sudah sampai tapi ternyata kegedean/kekecilan bolehkah saya ganti size ?
A : Tentu silakan kontak admin kami perihal produk yang kebesaran/kekecilan. Kamu bisa mengirimkan produknya maksimum 2 x24 jam dari produk tersebut diterima dan kelengkapannya masih sama. Kami juga akan mencharge biaya pengiriman. Produk VANS tidak dapat ditukarkan karena maraknya isu produk palsu/KW.